imati! imati! imati! taj glagol se vrti ovom kuglom zemaljskom kao tornado. jedna sasvim mala intimna sebičnost zakotrlja se. i gazi! gazi! gazi... dok ne pregazi sve što ima smisla. i što je lijepo.
čak i nas same.
čitam da neki luđaci kupuju parcele na Mjesecu. čak i zvijezde.
zamisli nebo bez zvijezda? - ovih, od kojih bi ti mogao, olovkom od neispunjenih želja, nacrtati lice. u tisuću verzija. svaki put drukčije. i na kojem bi to žalu osluškivao more, u dubokoj noći kad mi šapuće o tebi. ili u rano jutro. a ponekad i u pola bijela dana. kad nas pukne. - na Mjesecu?
ne želim te imati!
tebe, od koje - kao i od vjetra! - i kad te nema sve bude puno. tek htio bih ti dati i ovo malo sebe. ono što jesam. i sve što imam. tek znati da si tu. da mi zvoniš u ušima. kosu da mi rasplićeš. i miluješ lice.
da ne zaboravi drhtati za toplotom.
Komiža, 25. 04. 2011.
Vinko Kalinić
I don’t want to have you
to have! to have! to have! that verb spinns around the world globe like tornado. one very small intimate selfishness tumbled up. and stamps over! stamps over! stamps over!...until it wades over everything that makes sense. and what is beautiful.
even ourselves.
I read that some lunatics are buying parcels on Moon. even stars too.
imagine the sky without stars? – these, from which ones I could draw your face full of unfilled desires. in thousand versions. every time a different one. and on what that shore I would listen to the sea, in the deep night when it whispers to me about you. or in the early morning. and sometimes even in the middle of the bright day. when it hits us. – on Moon?
I don’t want to have you!
you, from whom – like from the wind too! – and when you’re not here everything is full. just I’d like to give you this bit of me. that what I am. and all I possess. just to know that you are here. so you can ring in my ears. you can unravel my hair. and caress my face.
so it would not forget to shiver for the warmth.
Vinko Kalinić
(Translated by
Darko Kotevski)
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