Today has again marched some tension,
empty bitterness,
that eternal aria of our journey.
The city streets were filled.
The bells were ringing.
Hard shoe soles in a hurry.
And everything was
like on the grave
of some great man.
That is Mister Today
entered into our city,
and left the suitcase on the square,
so he would,
after making a confusion,
run away like a maniac.
Vinko Kalinić
that eternal aria of our journey.
The city streets were filled.
The bells were ringing.
Hard shoe soles in a hurry.
And everything was
like on the grave
of some great man.
That is Mister Today
entered into our city,
and left the suitcase on the square,
so he would,
after making a confusion,
run away like a maniac.
Vinko Kalinić
by Darko Kotevski) Gospodin Danas
Danas je opet marširala neka napetost,
prazna gorčina,
ta vječna arija našeg putovanja.
Ulice grada bile su pune.
Čula su se zvona.
Đonovi tvrdi u žurbi.
I sve je bilo
bez daha,
kao na grobu
nekog velikana.
To je gospodin Danas
ušao u naš grad,
i ostavio kofer na trgu,
da bi,
kad je napravio zbrku,
pobjegao kao manijak.
Vinko Kalinić
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