
14:54:00 0 comments

Ne znam gdje počinje praznina mora
ali slutim što je taknuo u tebi ili u meni glas
koji je blizu negdje rekao:

To je rijeka koja se više ne vraća
u svoj izvor
jer su joj obale dogovorene s nekim nepoznatim
koji čeka u daljini.

To je cvijet koji ne silazi više
u svoj korijen
jer se ondje naselila budućnost.

Šumna trava neizgaženih visoravni,
snijeg na planinama

Osvrni se za sobom i gledaj svoje Nikad
u travi sluha i vida naraslo
u sjeni ruku sustalih, u sjaju želje neugasle.

Obazri se, prepoznaj svoje Nikad
po iščezlim nizinama prostro.
I teška misao koju si zanjihao
postat će blaga, jer je kraj nje čovjek
nerazumljiv u svojoj samoći.

A kad se on pomakne u Noć
i u veliki uspavani prostor,
spružit ćeš za njim svoje ruke i viknut:
ne odlazi!


I do not know where the emptiness of the sea begins.
But I guess I know the point in me and you
touched by the voice which somewhere nearly said:

There is a river which does not return anymore
to its source
because its banks have an arrangement
with an unknown somebody
who is waiting far away.

There is a flower which does not descend anymore
to its root
because there the future is settled.

The noisy grass of the plateaus trampled by nobody,
the snow on the mountains
of violet color.

Turn back and look at your Never,
grown up in the grass of hearing and sight,
in the shadow of tied hands, in the glow of
unquenchable desire.

Turn around, recognize your Never
spread across the vanished plains.
And the grave thought that you have now set in full swing
will become gentle because near it stands the man
incomprehensible in his solitude.

And when he moves away into the Night
and into the immense space immersed in sleep
you will extend your hands after him
and cry out:
don't go away!

Vinko Kalinić


„A što bih jedino potomcima htio namrijeti u baštinu - bila bi: VEDRINA. Kristalna kocka vedrine . . .“ Tin Ujević


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