Isus čita novine

07:18:00 0 comments

Znam, dobri moj Isuse, kad jedne kiše duge,
donesem ti za večeru hljeb skriven pod skut,
ulazeći u sobu, vidjet ću pun tuge
tvoj sveti lik nad novine nagnut.

I nezapažen kraj tebe ću sjesti,
gledajuć mračenje na tvome licu čistom.
Dok pogledom prelijećeš od vijesti do vijesti.
Dok uzbudjeno prevrćeš list za listom.

Čime ću moći da te tješim u tom času,
Stojeći pred tobom, sav stidom obuzet.
I da li bih imao dosta snage u svom glasu,
kada bih pred tobom branio ovaj svijet.

Na telka ta slova pao bih svojim stasom malim,
Radost čovjeka bi u oku mome zasijala.
Pusti, rekao bih ti jedva glasom uzdrhtalim,
nek se i dalje vrti nala zemlja mala.

Onda bih sasvim tiho izilo pred vrata.
I pustio da ostanel sam u svome bolu.
Moleći pred pragom, da tvoj gnjev umiri
mirisni, blagi kruh na stolu.


Jesus reads the newspaper

I know, my good Jesus, that after a long rainy day
when I bring you, hidden under my coat, a loaf
of bread for your supper,
I know that entering your room I will see
your saintly figure bent sadly over the newspapers.

And unobserved I will sit down next to you
and watch how your serene face becomes dejected,
while your glance keeps moving from
news-item to news-item, as excitedly you turn
page after page.

How could I console you in that moment,
Standing in front of you so ashamed.
Would that I had enough force in my voice,
standing in front of you, to defend this world.

I wish I could cover with my body those painful
words and reflect in my eye the joy of man:
With a hardly trembling voice I would say to you
"Let our little earth keep turning."

After that I would go very quietly through the door.
And I would leave you alone with your pain,
praying on the threshold that your anger might
be softened by the fragrant and soft bread.

Vinko Kalinić


„A što bih jedino potomcima htio namrijeti u baštinu - bila bi: VEDRINA. Kristalna kocka vedrine . . .“ Tin Ujević


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