My angel’s face

04:28:00 0 comments

All my life I was searching for the corner of the universe
where I would bury the pitcher of my turmoil
-and I didn’t find it

I have walked the whole Earth
across and all over
many towns I came around
and was lost amongst the people
I visited remote villages too
and those totally forgotten

I’ve seen many treasures
got to know greediness, fame and power
felt the odour of stench
ran away from the silhouettes
of empty abyss-like faces

I have met real heroes
who have won all, even the impossible battles
and lunatics who discovered many secrets
who reached deep wisdom
and acquired great knowledge

but I haven’t found the answer
nowhere was any
that would petrify the eye

I have learned that everything of value
was always hiding within us
that it was here from primordial time
in hand’s reach
but that too, as man climbs higher
he sees clearer that the chasms become
more deeper and more darker

not even recently, when still believed in fairy tales
and had heart totally innocent
I couldn’t stop a breath
and fall asleep of calm soul

something always pushed me further

not even then, when I was at the Origin
-and I was fairly close, so close
that I was One with man that I loved-
I still haven’t felt fulfilled

I don’t know where the end of the path is
and is there any sense
to search for serenity
for human souls

or it is all
just a morbid game
a fatal mistake
there where the last
nugget of sanity is thawing
only Your face remained
pure, childlike

only in front of him
I forget for a moment
where I came from
and where I’m going

and I’m more and more certain
that the evenings and the mornings
are just a pale reflection
of Your blushing cheeks

Komiža, 15th March, 2009

Vinko Kalinić

(Translated into English
Darko Kotevski, Melbourne, Australia)

Lice mog anđela

Čitavog života tražio sam kutak svemira
gdje bi zakopao krčag svog nemira
- i nisam ga našao

prošao sam cijelu zemlju
uzduž i poprijeko
u mnoge gradove svratih
i bijah izgubljen među ljude
obiđoh i zabačena sela
i ona posve zaboravljena

vidio sam mnoga blaga
upoznao pohlepu, slavu i moć
osjetio zadah smrada
i bježao od silueta
lica praznih kao bezdan

sreo sam i istinske junake
koji pobijediše sve, pa i nemoguće bitke
i luđake koji su otkrili mnoge tajne
dosegli duboku mudrost
i stekli velika znanja

ali ne nađoh odgovor
nigdje ne bijaše ičeg
pred čime bi se oko skamenilo

naučio sam da se sve što vrijedi
oduvijek skrivalo u nama
od praiskona da je bilo tu
na dohvatu nam ruke
ali i to, što se čovjek uspinje više
to jasnije vidi kako provalije postaju
sve dublje i sve tamnije

ni onomad, kada još vjerovah u bajke
i kada imah srce posve nevino
nisam uspio zaustaviti dah
i mirne duše usnuti

uvijek me nešto tjeralo dalje

ni onda, kada bijah na Izvoru
- a bio sam sasvim blizu, toliko blizu
da bijah jedno s čovjekom kojega voljeh -
ne osjetih se ispunjenim

ne znam gdje je kraj puta
i ima li uopće smisla
tražiti spokoj
ljudskim dušama

ili je sve
tek morbidna igra
fatalna zabuna


tamo gdje se topi
i posljednji grumen razuma
ostalo je samo Tvoje lice
čisto, djetinje

jedino pred njim
zaboravim na trenutak
od kud sam došao
i kamo idem

i sve više sam siguran
da su i večeri i jutra
tek blijedi odsjaj
rumenila s Tvojih obraza

Komiža, 15. ožujka 2009.

Vinko Kalinić

Vinko Kalinić


„A što bih jedino potomcima htio namrijeti u baštinu - bila bi: VEDRINA. Kristalna kocka vedrine . . .“ Tin Ujević


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