Umjesto oproštaja

08:16:00 0 comments
- Srđanu, dečku koji je promijenio moj svijet

reci onima koje budeš volio poslije mene da su oči tvoje već jednom osvojile svijet. i ruke da su tvoje rastvorile ocean, podijelivši ga na dva dijela.

onima koji te budu ljubili u noćima bez sna, ispripovijedaj: ja već prođoh zemljom u kojoj nasta potop. i vidjeh lice utopljenika. tijelo mu bijaše poput čigre vitko. ali srce njegovo bijaše lomača. pričaj onima koji te budu slušali, o izvoru gubavih. o logu u kojem ostadosmo nejač. o planinama na koje se uspinju mnogi, a čije vrhove gledaju tek izabrani. o cvijeću, pričaj, koje zasadismo u gudurama skrivenim. istom, kako veliko je i okrutno disanje zemlje. i o tome kako je uzaludno prkositi samoći trava.

intenzivno razmišljam kada smo i zašto prestali vjerovati u bajke?

ako ti jednom opet, u noćima balzaha, lahor ledeni probudi misao sjetnu, ne sumnjaj: bit ću tvoj sve dok me bude bilo u obrisima tvoje sjene

Vinko Kalinić

Iz zbirke "Adame, koji jesi"

Instead of farewell

- to Srđan, the boy who has changed my world

tell all those who you will love after me that your eyes have already conquered the world once. and also that your hands have split the ocean, dividing it in two.

to those who would be kissing you in those sleepless nights , tell them: I have already passed through the flooded land. and I saw the face of drowning man. his body was slender like the little tern’s. but his heart was a bonfire. tell all those who would be listening to you, about the fountain of the lepers. about the nest where we refused to grow up. about the mountains that many are climbing, but the peaks could only see the ones who are chosen. about the flowers, talk about the flowers we planted in the hidden ravines. also, how large and cruel is breathing of the land. and also about how vainly is to defy solitude of the grasses.

I wonder intensively when and why we stopped believing in fairy tales?

And if sometime again, in the nights of twilights, freezing zephyr awaken your melancholic thought, don’t doubt: I will be yours until I’ll be there in the contours of your shadow.

Vinko Kalinić
(Translated by Darko Kotevski)

Vinko Kalinić


„A što bih jedino potomcima htio namrijeti u baštinu - bila bi: VEDRINA. Kristalna kocka vedrine . . .“ Tin Ujević


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