Poziv na čistine

16:29:00 0 comments

Prijatelju, otvori svoje lice
otvori ga kao prozor što otvaraš jutrom
neka se osuši tvoja ljupkost od vlažne noći
u koju si zalutao tražeći svoj zaborav
otvori ga, prijatelju, kao prva jutarnja vrata
neka u tvoju mladost uđe blaga svjetlost dana
i kao cvrkut ptica u ranu zoru osmjeh tvoj
rumen neka drhti

prijatelju, ogrni zastor svojih očiju
neka želje tvoje polete visoko raskriljene
kao jato mladih golubica u nebo rastvoreno
i misli tvoje neka budu tople
kao što je toplo stablo maslinovo
kao ulje njegovo tečno i sočno
neka i tvoje čežnje budu

prijatelju, otvori svoje srce
jer vlaga izjeda zidove
ma koliko ovi bili tvrdi
za oluje pak previše ne mari
one dolaze brzo
još brže odlaze
kišama i oblacima se veseli
kiše ispiru nataloženo blato
a oblaci putuju nebom
svijetom raznoseći naše snove

još malo je sunca na proplanku
prijatelju, otvori vrata svoje vedrine
neka sunce razgori vlagu tvojih kostiju
jer dolaze dani kada će i tvoje lice i tvoje oči
nepomično stajati pred zamagljenom pučinom
i kada će sve biti sivo, toliko sivo
da ni samog sebe nećeš moći prepoznati


Vinko Kalinić

Invitation to the plateaus

My friend, open up your face
open it like a window that you open in the morning
let your grace dry out from the moist night
in which you strayed searching for your own oblivion
open it up, my friend, like the first morning door
let the placid daylight enter into your youth
and let your crimson smile and chirping birds
shiver in the early dawn

my friend, cover the curtain of your eyes
let your wishes fly off high with spread wings
like the flock of young doves in the open sky
and let your thoughts be warm
warm like the olive tree
like its oil, liquid and succulent
let your longings to be as well

my friend, open up your heart
because the humidity eats away the walls
no matter how hard they were
do not worry too much for the storms
they come quickly
and even faster go away
look forward to the rains and clouds
the rains rinse deposited mud
and clouds travel across the sky
tattling our dreams over the world

there is still some sun on the plateaus
my friend, open up the door of your serenity
let the sun heat up the humidity of your bones
because the days are coming when your face and your eyes
will stand in front of the blurred open sea
and when all will be gray, so much gray
that you wouldn’t be able to recognise yourself


Vinko Kalinić

by Darko Kotevski)

Vinko Kalinić


„A što bih jedino potomcima htio namrijeti u baštinu - bila bi: VEDRINA. Kristalna kocka vedrine . . .“ Tin Ujević


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