Na rimskim iskopinama u Solinu

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Ma kakva vedrina bila nam u duši,
i ma kakvo nebo pratilo nas putem
(nebo s kojim može boja smaragda
jedino da se uporedi pravo),
ove ruševine pomno otkopane
koje se šire oko nas posvuda,
najposlije našu potiskuju radost
a na njeno mjesto javlja se u srcu:
klonulost, umor, pa sjeta i tuga.

Glas provodiča postaje sve teži:
tu su bili hramovi, kupališta, vrata,
tuda su se nizale ulice i trgovi,
tuda je vodila prava rimska cesta,
i sad se vidi ravna, popločana
a na njoj otisnut trag davnih kotača.

Tjeskoba neka obuhvaća dušu
i postala bi sve gora, nesnosnija
da iz blizog polja ne čuje se pjesma
ranoga šturka i ne vidi dolje,
iza hrpe stijena, raspjevano more,
s nekoliko krupnih usidrenih lađa,
a iza njih brodogradilište, na kom
odzvanja cijelog dana žamor strojeva.


At the Roman excavations at Solin

No matter how serene our soul
and no matter what kind of sky
accompanies us on the road
(sky to which only the emerald's color
could do full justice),
these ruins excavated with such care
which extend around us on all sides
dishearten us in the end,
and instead of joy there appears in our heart
depression, weariness, melancholy, and gloom.

The guide's voice is getting more strident:
There stood the temples, the gates, the baths,
there was a row of streets and squares,
over yonder there passed a real Roman road,
and it is still to be seen there, straight and well-paved,
and on it there are still the tracks of the ancient wheels.

The anxiety which seizes one's soul
would be much worse, more unbearable,
should one not hear from the nearby field the song
of the early cricket, and observe down there,
behind a pile of stones, the singing sea,
with several anchored boats,
and beyond them the shipyard
where all day resounds the clangor of machines.

Solin (Lat. Salona) was once the capital of the ancient Roman province of Dalmatia, destroyed in 615 and subsequently incorporated into the medieval Kingdom of Croatia. There are important excavations of Roman monuments (amphitheater, thermae, etc.) and of Old Croatian architecture.

Vinko Kalinić


„A što bih jedino potomcima htio namrijeti u baštinu - bila bi: VEDRINA. Kristalna kocka vedrine . . .“ Tin Ujević


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