Zapis o vitezu

14:41:00 0 comments

Volio je trave volio je ptice volio oblake
Volio je nebo volio je zemlju
I dane razigrane
Ko konjice

I zato i tako smrt nikada ne poiska
Al smrt je uza nj vavijek bila
Prisutna i

Za službu temže vjernu
Za svog gospodina
Bodoše ga
Sjekoše ga
Deraše ga

I u tom danu
I u toj noći boja velega
Tuj smrti junak smrti ne dopade

U buni jednoj on pade
U buni protiv nevjerstva svijeta on skoča slavno
Umrije davno pred mnogo godina
Umrije a mrtav
Još nije

Zapitaj sad za ime njegovog gospodina
Da djelo mu bijaše nevjerstvo
I ime da mu bješe zlo
To samo se

Note on a Kinght

He loved the grass loved the birds loved the clouds
He loved the sky the earth
And the high-spirited days Like colts
Friskily running away

And so he never sought death
But death was constantly with him
Present and near

For loyal service
To his lord
They stabbed him
They hacked him
They tore him asunder

And yet on that day
On that night of the great battle
This mortal hero did not yield to death

He fell in a rebellion
In a revolt against the world's treason his life
came gloriously to an end

He died many years ago
He died but still he is not dead

Should you ask the name of his lord

His deeds were treacherous
And his name was evil
This is all that is known

Vinko Kalinić


„A što bih jedino potomcima htio namrijeti u baštinu - bila bi: VEDRINA. Kristalna kocka vedrine . . .“ Tin Ujević


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