When they were liberating turkish Croatia from Ottomans, amongst brigands (hajduk) there was an old, robust navigator with moustache. When the brigands (hajduk) invaded some village under Ottomans governance, they would yell and rave their song on top of their voice:
- All your males we will kill, all your females we will fuck!
But, this old brigand-navigator was fiddling his song differently:
- All your females we will kill, all your males we will fuck!
Instantly next to him jumped some young and unexperienced brigand (hajduk), so, when he heard this old tested experienced fighter singing, naive youngster yelled after him with the intention to correct him for the mistake he had done in that heroic poem:
- Uncle, uncle, it doesn’t go that way! The poem goes inversely: All your males we will kill, all your females we will fuck!
The old hero strikes him sharply with his eyes and whispers underneath his moustache:
- Shut up kid, everyone sings his own song!
- All your males we will kill, all your females we will fuck!
But, this old brigand-navigator was fiddling his song differently:
- All your females we will kill, all your males we will fuck!
Instantly next to him jumped some young and unexperienced brigand (hajduk), so, when he heard this old tested experienced fighter singing, naive youngster yelled after him with the intention to correct him for the mistake he had done in that heroic poem:
- Uncle, uncle, it doesn’t go that way! The poem goes inversely: All your males we will kill, all your females we will fuck!
The old hero strikes him sharply with his eyes and whispers underneath his moustache:
- Shut up kid, everyone sings his own song!
Vinko Kalinić
From ’’Notations of one bastard’’
(Stories which history doesn’t remember,
but they have tangled up the whole life)
From ’’Notations of one bastard’’
(Stories which history doesn’t remember,
but they have tangled up the whole life)
(Translated by Darko Kotevski)
Svoja pjesma
Kad su oslobađali tursku Hrvatsku od Osmanlija, među hajducima našao se i jedan stari, kršni, brkati moreplovac. Kad bi hajduci upali u selo koje je bilo pod Osmanlijama, iz sveg grla bi urlali svoju pjesmu:
- Sve ćemo vam muške pobit, sve ćemo vam ženske pojebat!
E, ali stari hajduk-moreplovac, svoju je pjesmu drugačije guslao:
- Sve ćemo vam ženske pobit, sve ćemo vam muške pojebat!
Do njega se u jednom trenutku našao neki mladi i neiskusni hajdučić, pa čuvši starog prekaljenog borca, naivno za njim povika u želji da mu ukaže na očitu inverziju u junačkoj pjesmi:
- Barba, barba, ne ide tako! Obratno ide pjesma: sve ćemo vam muške pobit, sve ćemo vam ženske pojebat!
Stara ga junačina ošinu oštrim pogledom i ispusti podno brkova:
- Šuti mali, svatko pjeva svoju pjesmu!
Vinko Kalinić
Iz "Zapisi jednog mulca"
(Facende koje ne pameti hiśtorija,
a śvi źivot śe u njima źamorśi)
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