Ivo is sitting on the bench in front of the Library and sunbaking in the wintery sharp sun. Andrija is approaching on the bicycle. Around the handlebar he has wrapped up a plastic bag with a bigger leafy cauliflower sticking out.
- What’s up, Andrija?! For God sake, what is that grown on your handlebar?
- Ah, see, I took this at that guy Madona. I’ve got at home some pickerel fish so I will cook them, and tomorrow I’ll get a lunch just like for Gods.
- For God sake Andrija! Then, you cook today for tomorrow?!
- Ay, you stupid one, and what, should I be cooking tomorrow for yesterday? – Andrija decidedly yelled and proceeded.
Vinko Kalinić
From ’’Notations of one bastard’’
(Stories which history doesn’t remember,
but they have tangled up the whole life)
From ’’Notations of one bastard’’
(Stories which history doesn’t remember,
but they have tangled up the whole life)
(Translated by Darko Kotevski)
Danas sutra jučer
Ivo sjedi na šentadi ispred Čitaonice i grije se na zubatom zimskom suncu. Andrija dolazi na biciklu. Oko volana je uvio najlon vrećicu, a iz nje viri oveći razlistali kaul.
- A šta je, Andrija?! Šta ti je to, bogati, naraslo na timunu?
- E, ovo sam uzeo kod onga Madone. Imam doma malo gira, pa ću danas da skuham i sutra ručak ko bog.
- Asti boga, Andrija! Onda ti kuhaš danas za sutra?!
- U budalo jedan, a šta ću kuhat sutra za jučer. – obrusi odlučno Andrija i produži dalje.
Vinko Kalinić
Iz "Zapisi jednog mulca"
(Facende koje ne pameti hiśtorija,
a śvi źivot śe u njima źamorśi)
(Foto: Klub obožavatelja viškiga jazika)
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