Nas sedam braće

05:16:00 0 comments

Nas sedam braće
gledamo preko brijega
u tavne gudure.
Nas sedam braće
(Ja nisam velik. Malen.
Ali visoko
stojim uz braću.) I pitam:
zašto se ogrće
sunce. I pitam:
zašto sunce
odlazi. Malen
stojim uz svoju braću
visoko. I pitam…

Velika. Velika su moja braća.
Sunce odlazi. Toplo je
od smijeha moje braće.
Gledam poljubljen:
dobro sunce odlazi. I gledam:
stojimo visoki i gledamo.

Nas sedam braće
sestara, nas
sedam sinova. I naše sestre.
I naše tri sestre
pjevaju. A otac naš
sa štapom. Podbočen.
I naša mati svijetlom radošću.
Nas sedam braće. Stojimo.
Ja malen,
a mi visoki.
Nas sedam braće. Hej!
Nas sedam sinova.

We seven brothers

We seven brothers
tall ones
we look across the hill
into the dusky mountain gorges.
We seven brothers
big ones
(I am not big. Small.
But tall
I stand beside my brothers.) I ask:
why does the sun
cover itself. I ask:
why does the sun
depart. Small
I stand beside my brothers
tall. And I ask...
Big. Big are my brothers.
The sun departs. It is warming up
from the laughter of my brothers.
I am looking, kissed:
the good sun
departs. And I am looking:
we stand the tall ones and we look.
We seven brothers sisters, we
seven sons. And our sisters.
And our three sisters
sing. And our father
with a cane. Propped up.
And our mother with her radiant joy.
We seven brothers. We stand.
I a small one,
but we tall ones,
we seven brothers. Hi!
We seven sons.

Vinko Kalinić


„A što bih jedino potomcima htio namrijeti u baštinu - bila bi: VEDRINA. Kristalna kocka vedrine . . .“ Tin Ujević


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