Jutarnja zvijezda pozlaćen orah

17:32:00 0 comments

Jutarnja zvijezda o nebo pribodena:
Pozlaćen orah viseć na božićnom drvcu.

Rasklopila je snene oči zora:
Djevojčica razmažena, ljutita
Što su je tako rano bukom izbudili
Još neispavanu.

Uzduž potoka jabuke u cvjetanju mirišu;
Na govedima klepke sve su glasnije.

Iz bliske niske šikare
Dopire pjesma ptičija
Do uha mome ocu...
Al on je ne sluša.

Otac moj oruć viče na konje za plugom
Pa nije ni primijetio
Kako se sjena kónjah prostrla do nakraj oranice,
I konjska se leđa snažno isparuju,
I kako se k nebu iz brázdah para uzdiže
Kao tamjan iz dragocjenih kadionica.

Rastušje, sredinom kolovoza 1931.

The morning star a gilded walnut

The morning star pinned upon the sky:
A gilded walnut hanging on a Christmas tree.

The aurora reopened her sleepy eyes:
A little girl, spoiled and angry
That they had awakened her so early and so noisily,
While she still wanted to sleep.

Along the brook the apple trees are fragrant with blossoms;
The cow-bells are ringing ever louder on the cattle.

From the low copse nearby
The song of the birds
Reaches my father's ear…
But he doesn't hear it.

My father, plowing, is shouting to his plow-horses,
So that he doesn't notice
How the horses' shadow spreads over the field,
Nor how steam from the furrows rises to the sky
Like the incense from precious censers.

Vinko Kalinić


„A što bih jedino potomcima htio namrijeti u baštinu - bila bi: VEDRINA. Kristalna kocka vedrine . . .“ Tin Ujević


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