
06:11:00 0 comments

Tri stabla trešnje, jedna šljiva,
jedan orah, pola suncokreta:
tu je izrastao svetac
prekriženih ruku
na grudima. Izrastao je iz zenlje:
nikad nije prošao kroz ženu.
Hraneći se smokvama
bijel kao svježe bijelo obojena barka
uzeo je nebo za oči.

Sveti Ioan Stolpnik
nije nikad poželio bližnjega
niti znao za strast
jer je izrastao iz zemlje:
nikakav dodir moguć mesu
nije mogao ublažiti febru njegove kičme.

Problematično je bilo
što da žrtvuje Bogu.
Popevči se na stup
žrtvovao je znatiželju,
a to mu je i bilo jedino,

Ivan Slamnig


Three cherry trees, one plum tree,
An oak, one half of a sunflower:
a saint has grown right here, 
hands crossed
at his chest.
He has grown out of the earth:
he has never passed through a woman.
Feeding on figs,
as white as a newly painted white boat,
he turned the skies into his eyes.

St. Ioan Stolpnik
never coveted his nearest and dearest
and he never experienced passion,
all because he had grown out of the earth:
there was no touch connected to human flesh
that could quench the desires of his backbone.

His problem was
that he did not know what to give up to God.
When he climbed up the pillar,
he sacrificed his curiosity,
and that was the only thing he had,
poor Ioan.

Ivan Slamnig

Vinko Kalinić


„A što bih jedino potomcima htio namrijeti u baštinu - bila bi: VEDRINA. Kristalna kocka vedrine . . .“ Tin Ujević


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