To the forever girl

12:37:00 0 comments

R., for your birthday

I don't count the years, don't remember faces,
time is an illusion, people are selfish
instead of me, the stone remembers
and shadows retain, visions and memories.

actually, memories don't really exist,
memories are inanimate, dead, it's the heart that is alive

for when the heart meets a dear ones,
it keeps them forever inside

now and then, as I count the hours like a clock
- a single smile is enough
or just noticeable whisper of the winds,
to start the magic flow from the beginning

my timeless girl, innocent as a child,
you bring me so much joy,
for you, as elemental as the morning,
the wind, the rain and the sun...
- get reborn again and again
as always from the outset.

Vinko Kalinić

From the land of my grandfather,
(where the southern winds blows,
and some go haywire!)
20th February, 2010.

(Translated by Darko Kotevski)

Djevojčici za sva vremena

R., za rođendan

Ne brojim godine, ne pamtim lica
vrijeme je varka, a ljudi su sebični

umjesto mene, kamen pamti
i čuvaju sjene, vizure i uspomene

zapravo, uspomena i nema
jer uspomene su mrtve, a srce je živo

ono, kad jednom sretne drago biće
u sebi ga nosi za sva vremena

pa kadikad, otkucavam poput sata
- dovoljan je samo osmijeh jedan
ili tek jedva čujan šapat vjetra
da čarolija poteče iz začetka

eto, djevojčice bezvremena
nevino kao dijete, zato ti se radujem
jer se, elementarna, baš isto
kao i jutro, vjetar, kiša, sunce...
- rađaš uvijek iz početka

U Zemlji dide mog,
(di puše jugo,
a niki su i na žmorac!)
20. ženskog mjeseca 2010.

Vinko Kalinić

Vinko Kalinić


„A što bih jedino potomcima htio namrijeti u baštinu - bila bi: VEDRINA. Kristalna kocka vedrine . . .“ Tin Ujević


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